Solar Eclipses

Eclipse Solar

There is a solar eclipse on Earth, when the moon covers the sun, from that exact point on the Earth. This can only happen during the new moon (Sun and Moon in conjunction).


There are three types of solar eclipses

Partial Eclipse

The moon does not completely cover the solar disk resulting in a crescent moon.

Total Eclipse

From a band on the surface of the Earth, the Moon completely covers the Sun.

Annular Eclipse

Occurs when the moon is near the peak and its angular diameter is less than that of the sun, so that at the maximum phase, a visible ring of the disc of the Sun remains. This occurs in the annularity band, beyond it, the eclipse is partial.

Solar Eclipses Calendar

Fecha Tipo Paso del Eclipse
6 de enero de 2019 parcial Asia oriental
2 de julio de 2019 total Chile, Argentina
26 de diciembre de 2019 anular Sur de Asia
21 de junio de 2020 anular Sur de Asia
14 de diciembre de 2020 total América del Sur
10 de junio de 2021 anular Canadá, Groenlandia, Siberia
4 de diciembre de 2021 total Antártida
20 de abril de 2023 Anular/Total Australia, Timor, Nueva Guinea
14 de octubre de 2023 Anular América del Sur, América del Norte, América Central
8 de abril de 2024 Total América del Norte
2 de octubre de 2024 Anular Argentina (Patagonia).
12 de agosto de 2026 Total España, Groenlandia.
20 de abril de 2042 Total Indonesia, Malasia, Brunéi, Filipinas.



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